Sunday, August 19, 2012

Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage

This is a really neat thing these people have here! This is a group of people who have done something REAL! I found this while googleing around today and then saw it was covered by the Owl Creek Gazette.

Watch the video and surf around their site which can be found here Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage.

While you are surfing around notice the location. I think as my project progresses I will travel there for a weekend, to try and learn more ways to be self-reliant. 



  1. We have truly enjoyed bringing Elizabeth Gombos' Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage experience to our Owl Creek Gazette readers during Elizabeth's time spent as a summer intern at the intentional community (via the weekly updates she provided us for posting on our website/blog). As her internship has now concluded, we are looking forward to featuring her final article (a recap of her Ecovillage adventures, highlighting some of the most memorable moments) in our magazine's upcoming September issue. Note: The issue will be arriving at our many distribution points throughout South Central Illinois (and online) the first week in September. -- Jan

  2. Wow! Very lucky to be able to go and live with that wonderful group of people! I look forward to reading the article in the September issue and I recommend it to my readers!
